R Street’s Recess Reading List

For staffers who want to get savvy this summer

Is August recess starting to drag on? Looking for some new items to add to your reading list? Here’s R Street’s quick-hit list of background resources on various policy topics that you may not have been able to keep up with during session. (And don’t miss the details for our end-of-recess party at the bottom of the list!)

Who is R Street? Never heard of us? Want to know us better? Here is a summary of who we are, what we specialize in and how we strive to be a resource for Congress. In short, we’re a free-market think tank dedicated to pragmatic solutions and limited, effective government—and we’re willing to work with each and every office to promote policies that move the ball in that direction.

Commercial Freedom (Occupational Licensing; Postal; Birth Control Disintermediation; Telemedicine; Regulatory Reform; Alcohol Policy)

Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties (Social Reintegration/Reentry; Jail Reform; Policing; Juvenile Justice )  

Energy and Environment (Energy Competition; Market-Based Climate Solutions; Electricity Policy)

Finance and Trade (Monetary Policy; Housing Finance Reform; Financial Regulation Policy; Trade Agreements and the Rules-Based Trading System)

Governance (Gov’t Ops; Congressional Reform; Separation of Powers; Protecting Institutions)

Harm Reduction (Tobacco Harm Reduction; Opioid Harm Reduction)

Insurance (Market-Based Approaches to Insurance Policy; National Flood Insurance Program; Terrorism Risk Insurance; Benefits of Mitigation Such as the RESTORE Act and the Coastal Barrier Resources System)  

National Security & Cybersecurity (Supply Chain Security; Encryption; Cybersecurity Threats; International Balance of Powers; Zero-Trust Environments; Emerging Threats)

Technology and Innovation (5G; Automation; Patents; Artificial Intelligence; Content Moderation; Broadband; Spectrum)

Interested in learning more? Our policy experts are always happy to visit your office for a deeper dive into any of these issues. Email [email protected] to set up a meeting. To subscribe to our weekly federal affairs newsletter, please click here.

And finally… LET’S PARTY! If you made it this far, you definitely deserve a drink. And you’re in luck: R Street is hosting an end-of-recess happy hour for our allies and friends on the Hill at Sonoma Wine Bar on September 5th. Dubbed the “No-Party Party,” this will be a chance to leave your R & D at the door and chat about pragmatic policy solutions unbound by party lines. RSVP here.

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