Technology and Innovation

The Technology and Innovation team’s work spans a wide range of topics from anti-trust to content moderation, telecommunications to intellectual property, as well as the rise of artificial intelligence and the value of permissionless innovation. At a time when misinformation and disinformation have become a growing concern, the Tech program has worked to define these terms, understand the challenges they create, and identify sensible policy reforms to help navigate this brave new world of information.


MEDIA Contact

For general media inquiries and to book our experts, please contact [email protected].


To support this program, please contact Ginny Mansour, Director of Development, at [email protected].

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In the News

Wayne Brough
Policy Director, Technology and Innovation
Jonathan Cannon
Policy Counsel, Technology and Innovation
Adam Thierer
Resident Senior Fellow, Technology & Innovation
Josh Withrow
Resident Fellow, Technology and Innovation

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