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Events hosted by RSI AND Virtual

Third-Party Litigation Funding: Friend or Foe?

Issues: Insurance


[Moderator] Jerry Theodorou, R Street Institute, Director, Finance, Insurance & Trade Program

Caroline Melear, R Street Institute, Resident Fellow, Finance, Insurance & Trade Program

Michael Menapace, Partner, Litigation and Insurance Practice Groups, Wiggin and Dana LLP 



Third-party litigation funding is raising controversial questions as an asset class that allows funders with no legal interest to invest in litigation. Does litigation funding transgress legal ethical norms? Does litigation funding impact the value of claims? Who benefits from litigation funding? You are invited to listen to Wiggin & Dana Attorney Michael Menapace, R Street Finance, Insurance & Trade (FIT) Resident Fellow Caroline Melear, and FIT Director Jerry Theodorou discuss issues and concerns surrounding litigation funding.

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