Josiah Neeley, resident fellow and director of Texas-related programs at the R Street Institute

Undoubtedly, the Supreme Court’s decisions in Corner Post and Loper Bright will make it easier for plaintiffs to prevail in legal challenges to environmental regulations. But we should be careful to keep things in perspective. The end of Chevron deference means that agency interpretations of statutes will get more judicial scrutiny than they did before, but even under Chevron deference it was limited by such things as the major questions doctrine. Agency interpretations are still likely to prevail in many cases. Similarly, while the changes to when the statute of limitations begins to run will allow additional challenges to be brought, a regulation that has already survived earlier legal challenges is likely to be upheld again if challenged by a new plaintiff later on. Agencies like EPA or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission do not need to be insulated from judicial review in order to be able to function. If they do, that suggests a deeper problem with the administrative state.

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After Chevron, what is next?

Read the ongoing research and analysis about a post-Chevron world from the R Street Institute.