AI is trained on user data, and the devices powered by AI are often collecting data in the background. That can lead to gaps in protections, according to the International Association of Privacy Professionals, a nonprofit, nonpartisan occupational organization.

The IAPP wrote in a blog post that AI introduces four challenges: protecting consumer’s private data; safeguarding against potential security breaches of those troves of data; correcting any bias in the algorithms that AI uses to make predictions and run some of its applications; and guarding against the spread of misinformation when the technology is wrong.

“Artificial intelligence is ushering in a transformative era at an accelerated pace that could fundamentally alter how our society operates,” Steven Ward and Brandon Pugh, both fellows with the right-leaning think tank The R Street Institute, wrote in the IAPP blog. “It is essential not to let the most recent technological buzz … distract from the importance of broadly applicable data privacy and security protections.”