“What that’s telling us is that criminals who already are owning these handguns illegally are now taking it to the next level, and they are trying to maximize the destruction that they cause,” Jillian Snider, a former New York City police officer and an adjunct lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, told ABC News…

Snider, who is also director of criminal justice and civil liberties at the R Street Institute, a public policy think tank in Washington D.C., said the ages of people caught with modified guns “is petrifying.”

“What happens is because they’re untrained and unskilled, and these are dangerous weapons, oftentimes, an innocent person who has nothing to do with the situation gets caught in the crossfire,” Snider told ABC News, adding that the rapid recoil on such modified weapons makes them almost uncontrollable for adults and teenagers with no training.

Snider said the converted weapons are also being used on law enforcement officers more frequently…

“Most officers’ guns carry either 11 or 16 rounds. That’s most officers. And we’re seeing more and more that … people are able to get off 50 to 100 shots in under a minute [with these modified weapons],” said Snider, who retired from the NYPD in 2020.

Watch the report here.