New Rochelle, N.Y.: To Edgar Domenech (”Keep New York State’s strong liquor laws intact,” op-ed, Nov. 28): New Yorkers are tired of clinging to Prohibition-era alcohol policies, as evidenced by restoring drinks-to-go last spring. In their study of alcohol use during COVID-19, the R Street Institute found the most restrictive states saw some of the highest increases in drunk driving fatalities and found no correlation between to-go laws and traffic fatalities. Modernizing alcohol policy has become an effective way to stimulate post-COVID economies. Passing legislation to allow multiple retail licenses can support retailer growth while ensuring the availability of alcohol remains controlled. In Massachusetts, imposing regional limits on license quantities enabled retailers to increase profitability without exacerbating health and safety problems. Gov. Hochul created the alcohol reform commission with the understanding that health and safety concerns and greater consumer access are not mutually exclusive. Tides are changing for U.S. alcohol policy — it’s time for New York to bring our liquor laws into the 21st century. Melvin Norris, senior director of government affairs, Business Council of New York State

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