Time11:30AM12:30PM EST LocationZoom
Events hosted by RSI AND Virtual

Attorney Advertising Trends


[Moderator] Jerry Theodorou, Director, Finance, Insurance, and Trade, R Street Institute

Rustin Silverstein, President and Founder, X Ante and The Silverstein Group


Join us for a free public discussion about attorney advertising trends featuring Rustin Silverstein, president and founder of X Ante and The Silverstein Group—the leading sources on advertising, marketing, and public awareness of mass tort litigation. 

R Street’s Finance, Insurance and Trade (FIT) Program Director, Jerry Theodorou, will speak with Silverstein on multiple facets of attorney advertising and its implications: 

  • How effective is attorney advertising in stoking large awards?
  • What are the different vehicles (email, TV, radio, billboards, etc.) employed, and how do they vary in their operations?
  • What are the current trends in attorney advertising?
  • What is the relationship between litigation funding and plaintiff attorneys?

This topic is of keen interest for R Street’s FIT program, as we point to attorney advertising as a driver of legal system abuse. We hope to see you there.