Time10:00AM12:00PM EST LocationAEI, Auditorium, 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW , Washington, DC, 20036
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Presidents, politics, and the Federal Reserve Board: Is there a new professor standard?

In the Trump administration, the path from citizen to nomination to Federal Reserve Board governor has been anything but smooth. Nominees have languished for years as the Senate fully exercised its due diligence and deliberative powers while a hostile press sank the potential nominations of other accomplished individuals with a vigor commonly reserved for watershed events — like the sinking of the USS Maine. Can a nominee for Fed governor be too political? Is the public well served if governors only come from academia or Wall Street?

Join AEI and a panel of experts for a discussion on these issues.

RSVP Here.

10:10 AM
Panel discussion

Peter Conti-Brown, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
James Grant, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer
Alex J. Pollock, R Street Institute

Paul H. Kupiec, AEI

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