Finance and Trade

Although the insurance industry is simple in concept—the premiums of many pay for the losses of a few—it is overrun with reporting, compliance, and regulatory challenges that limit consumer choice. Specifically, the team focuses on policy recommendations around risk-based insurance regulation, taxpayer subsidies, and the benefits of mitigation. Similarly, the Finance, Insurance, and Trade team explores government oversight and expansion into the financial sector, with particular focus on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), as well as corporate governance and tort reform. The team also advocates for sensible food and beverage policies that balance consumer demands with public safety, along with labor and occupational licensing laws that facilitate economic growth and curtail unnecessary economic government barriers to employment.


MEDIA Contact

For general media inquiries and to book our experts, please contact [email protected].


To support this program, please contact Ginny Mansour, Director of Development, at [email protected].

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Our Scholars

Caroline Melear
Resident Fellow, Finance, Insurance and Trade
Jerry Theodorou
Policy Director, Finance, Insurance and Trade