Criminal Justice & Civil Liberties

The Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties (CJ) team covers a wide range of issues, including policing, juvenile justice, pre-trial and prosecution, as well as sentencing, incarceration, and reentry. At a time when public trust in law enforcement has dropped, community members feel less safe, and urban crime has spiked, the  CJ program is able to work across the ideological spectrum to advance meaningful reforms.


MEDIA Contact

For general media inquiries and to book our experts, please contact [email protected].


To support this program, please contact Ginny Mansour, Director of Development, at [email protected].




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Our Scholars

Jillian Snider
Policy Director, Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties
Sarah Anderson
Associate Director, Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties
Lisel Petis
Resident Senior Fellow, Criminal Justice and Civil Liberties
Logan Seacrest
Resident Fellow, Criminal Justice & Civil Liberties

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