Nan Swift

Nan Swift

Resident Fellow, Governance Program

About Nan

Nan Swift researches, writes and builds relationships across party lines to promote R Street’s Governance Program with Congress.

Prior to R Street, Nan worked as professional staff for the U.S. Senate Budget Committee. She was responsible for outreach to coalition partners to get support and feedback for the Committee’s oversight, budget and budget process reform efforts.

Nan also worked as Director of Federal Affairs for the National Taxpayers Union. In this role, she worked closely with members of Congress—and other organizations—on both sides of the aisle. She advocated on behalf of taxpayers for lower spending, budget process reform, and a reduction in the unfair federal subsidies and policies that distort so many key industries.

She has degrees in political studies and English literature from Gordon College (Wenham, MA).

Nan lives in Arlington, Virginia with two churlish guinea pigs (Ocho and Seven Jr.) and a COVID-19 cat, Charlie.

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